Media Review

Delicious, by Orange Sherbet

0 Comments 10 May 2012


I have to get this out of the way right up front — one of the members of the trio that makes up California-based kid-music-group Orange Sherbet looks exactly like Zooey Deschanel: quirky glasses, black bangs, and all. I’m sure she gets that all the time, but it’s true. She sounds a bit like her too. It also makes sense that she would be part of this group, which creates twangy, bouncy, occasionally bluesy, sometimes twee music for kids with a lyrical focus on yummy food.

I’m firmly in the camp of insisting that the music my kid listens to has to also be appealing to me as an adult, and Orange Sherbet’s CD Delicious fits the bill.

Happily, the band doesn’t take itself too seriously (something that turns me off of many CDs labeled “for kids”). These songs aren’t cloying nor are they heavy with messages and lessons beyond the importance of eating adventurously.

Delicious is just an upbeat disc that would be great to listen to on a long car trip (as long as you have snacks available). There are plenty of opportunities for singing along with cute choruses — I found myself bopping along singing, “Saturday is my waffle day!” with a smile — and there are many tracks with tongue-twisting lists and even a clap-along song.

And yes, there’s plenty of ukulele and saxophone featured — essential musical elements for any hipster band making music today.

If I say this CD is adorkable, will you forgive me?

Recommended for: Fans of She and Him, hipster parents, picky eaters, families looking for something new to listen to in the car

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